Inventory Control is a complete multi-location inventory management system that keeps track of stock levels and processes inventory receipts, shipments, returns, and adjustments. Inventory Control includes extensive screen inquiry and reporting functions to give you the detailed, current information crucial for effective inventory management.
Module Highlights:
- Integrate advanced radio-frequency and barcoding technology through Sage ERP Accpac WMS
- Handle fractional quantities to four decimal places and maintain different units of measure for purchasing, selling, and stock-keeping
- Use categories to classify stock and to allocate costs to departments or cost centers.
- Include 250-character comments with each transaction detail
- Assign as many as nine vendors per item with automatic update of the last purchase
- Specify different item bin numbers for each inventory location
- Assemble items using single-level bills of materials.
- Combine any number of items into a single kit and then sell the kit through Order Entry using a single kit price instead of a price per item
- Receive both stock and non-stock items
- Maintain as many as six different costs per location, including standard, most recent, average, last unit, and two optional